Wednesday 1 February 2012

Media CW The research and Intention!!!

Me and Hibaq are working in a team and were doing brief 3, which is to create an artist that would have a large youth audience. Were doing print and broadcast. Today, 1/02/2012, we have nearly finished our researched. We have done collages each on mainly single female artists, we just need to wrap it up with an evaluation. Also I've done a power point presentation on the website Prezi for the artist Birdy. Hibaq has done a mini essay with pictures on Jessie J. We both need to do Adele, probably on Prezi again. We also want to make a animato video presenting the existing artists who already have the type of genre we want for our artist. I've researched on interviews on 6 female artists, and Hibaq has done research on magazine articles on female artists. We've also done a survey on 20 people and now we just have to add up the results and write up a short evaluation on it. We also need to do research on the music press like Vibe magazine, example of album ads in that, also flyers on album covers and tour dates.
It is a lot of work but its what we got to do if we want the best possible grade we could achieve.

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