Monday 28 November 2011

Breaking Dawn!

Watching Breaking Dawn on Friday the 18th was absolutely amazing. The film wasn't perfect, but nothing ever is. The use of fast flashing images and clips merging together to create one fantastic scene really displayed the tension, excitement and just rush of energy the characters were meant to be feeling. The wedding scene was amazing and beautiful, Bella's dress was also very beautiful. There were some scenes, however that were a bit too graphic like the honeymoon scene and the birth scene, which shouldn't be in my opinion a 12A. The movie, also may have captured the crazy action aspect of the book, but the intense emotions each character portrayed in the book was not shown as much in the movie which was a let down. The directors could have shown a scene with the characters where its intense and emotional and the character could have had a voice over they pre-recorded saying those crucial lines in the book which would  have been a nice touch. But I can't criticise too much because I did really enjoy the movie and I can't wait for the next one which I know would be even better.

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